Basketball Court Accessories

Figure out what basketball court accessories you're going to put on your basketball court

There are many accessories available for your court. You should talk to you basketball court builder for a complete list of options. We have outlined a few below that make your court safer and more convenient.

Lighting If you live in a hot climate or a northern state you might consider adding lighting to your basketball court. The lighting allows you to beat the heat by playing at night. It also allows you to extend your playing time in the northern climates where the days are shorter. The lights will also illuminate the playing area around dusk allowing players to see better and stay safe.
Ramps Since the court is somewhat elevated, it is a nice convenience to add ramps so young and disable players can easily get onto the court. This also makes the court look more professional.
Multi-Game Court Many people decide to add many different courts onto one by overlaying the lines and adding in netting posts. You can have your basketball court designed to accommodate anything from volleyball to shuffle board with the addition of more marking and the multi-purpose nets.
Fencing Fencing is a convenience and safety feature. It will help to keep the ball in play so you don't have to go chase the ball after every missed shot. It will also keep children out of harms way by keeping them in the playing area away from the road. The fencing will also make your playing area look more professional and high-class. Some do a partial fencing job while others enclose the whole basketball court.
Basketball Goal Accessories There are several accessories you can add to you basketball equipment that don't really have to do with the court. A ball rebounder is a perfect accessory for players practicing their free-throw shooting. It latches onto the rim and redirects the ball to player instead of dropping below the hoop after a shot is made.
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